Sunday 23 March 2008

Desert Camping in the Sahara

We left late from school because our driver got lost but we were on our way at 5:30 Wednesday evening. We drove to Baheria where we had dinner waiting for us out side beneath palm trees. We transferred to two 4X4 Toyota Four Runners packed high with camping gear and all the food we needed. There were 7 of us plus 3 Bedouin guides. First night we drove to the White Desert. It is called white because the sand in some areas is white and the place we camped was dominated by massive chalk formations. We arrived there and were able to see these formations by the light of the full moon. They parked the ‘jeeps’ and strung a tent between them for us to sleep under the stars. They supplied the sleeping bags and a heavy camel hair blanket to keep us warm for it is chilly at night even though the days are scorching hot. Thursday. The Bedouins, Sammy, Yehia, and Hannie made breakfast of foul (fava beans in tomato sauce with onions, peppers, and other vegetable), Egyptian bread, jams and cheese. They packed up the vehicles and we set off road across the desert. We drove over differing types of desert, some with scrubby vegetation, other parts just sand dunes and other parts rocky and bumpy. While going over the dunes both vehicles got stuck so we had to push. The sand can be hard packed then turn soft. Some times we went down dune slopes which were VERY steep.Just hang on! As we traveled we passed quite a few green spots or Oasis. They just appear out of the sand. Some have wells dug , others are natural oasis. To be continued.. Check web album for some pictures