Friday 11 April 2014

Thursday April 10th, 2014

Thursday April 10th
This morning we walked to school, appears some of the dogs are getting to know us so they don’t bark as much. The house is a minimum 10 minute walk to school.  In the morning Nora taught a class and I was working on my last Brazil report.
The school is an amazing place, the students feel so loved and they are always hugging their teachers, it is such a relaxed atmosphere. Not what you would expect for a community of ‘at risk’ students. Nora has no discipline problems what so ever for they are excited to learn. Each child has a individualized learning program where they learn about what interests them.  They also are on a personalized time line to complete their courses. The layout does not resemble any high school I have ever encountered. It is on the second floor and there are two regular sized hallways  which branch out from the entrance way where the secretary’s office is located. Something like a tuning fork with a short stem.  The classrooms are the size of regular office rooms, not large classrooms. This location is just one part, there is the Esquileta the elementary school, and another school which we will visit Monday. Then there is the main office building. The whole organization employs from 60-70 people and has so many partnerships and alliances I can’t begin to understand it all.  When I came here I thought it was just one school but it is so, so much more. They are enriching the lives of so many people.
In the afternoon we went to San Juan, to the main offices and in the evening we went to the national Art Gallery/Museum to an opening of a Smithsonian exhibit that Helvia, Alex, Justo and Anna Iris were invited to. It was awesome, located in/near the Old San Juan fort. The reception was on one of the balconies that surround the courtyard of the four-story building. The balconies were all lit with blue and (maybe orange) lights.  It was a fancy reception with a band, wine and finger food. Later we all went to supper at a restaurant nearby. A wonderful evening we were honored to be included in.
 Pictures coming soon to go with this post. Connection too slow to send a lot of pictures.