Tuesday 15 April 2014

Saturday April 12, 2014

Saturday April 12,
This morning Helvia and Alex picked us all up and took us to Old San Juan. It’s the old part where there are two forts and the streets are paved with blue bricks that are about 500 years old.  The hill area where the fort we visited is located is a place where people meet and fly kites for it is a windy spot.  There is a cemetery below it by the ocean, with above ground graves.  We arrived there at about 9- 9:30 and wandered around all afternoon till 4:00. It was a very relaxing afternoon, no deadlines just look and enjoy. Our roommate Jill and her friend met us there and she helped orient us as to where to go. The whole peninsula is surrounded by a huge stone fortification. By the time we returned home we had a lot more colour on our skin and had done a lot of walking. Helvia and Alex are so good to us, we are in their debt.  Tomorrow is the rain forest and beach, can’t wait!