Thursday 10 April 2014

Vitoria, Brazil

My week in Vitoria has been a great experience. Another super Maple Bear school with so many great teachers who love children. I’ve been working with teachers, with the owner and coordinator on an event that will happen at a large theater on Saturday. It’s a bit like Christmas Concert and Primary Graduation with lot of details and many of people working together to pull it off.  Had dinner with the company president and his wife the publicity director and the school owner last night. She and I have the Cape Breton connection in common and they are very interesting people.
My hotel is right on the beach, but only was able to take one walk on the beach, I go to school about 8 and come home just before dark. This morning we had a meeting with teachers at 7:00-8:00. I’m enjoying the experience very much, great people to work with.  I recommend Brazilians!
Today was the big day, all the parents came to the theater and we had Pooh story reading, the Movie Pooh, the coordinator spoke as well as Rodney Briggs the President of Maple Bear. Sorry to say good-bye to so many wonderful people.
Edinea took me to the airport and made sure I was all set. Great flight to Sao Paulo but forgetting that I was not on a connecting flight to Toronto, I breezed right by the baggage claim and went to the huge boarding line. Well it hit me part way through the line-up, ……maybe I was supposed to pick up my suitcase! After a lot of explaining and up and down the airport I want to the baggage claim and someone found my missing bag. Then I had to start the line all over again after I had checked the bag. I made it through all the line-ups and had time to spare at the boarding gate. 
Flowers next door to school

Maple Bear Vitoria

Going across the bridge

Francis transporting Eeyore

More from the bridge
