Tuesday 15 April 2014

Monday April 15, 2014

Monday April 15, 2014
Discovered the people next door have SIX dogs, no wonder they make such a ruckus. They are really funny. One of them pretends he is very cross, he’s behind a gate so we aren’t sure if he is or not and there is an old one who jumps off the ground every time he barks. The geckos/lizards are everywhere. The Peeping Tom gecko lives on Nora’s bedroom window and the others are on walls, in trees, plants and running up walls. Our back yard neighbor has a banana plant and it has lots of green bananas on it.  Brian from Washington, DC, our roommate Jill’s friend came over tonight (Monday) and cooked a delicious dinner for us. The something crazy happened….I could hear Cape Breton fiddle music! It was Brian’s music! He is a big fan of Natalie Mac Master and had her on his iPhone and his dad is a big fan of the Cottars, so we listened to Natalie Mac master in our house in Caguas, Puerto Rico and I gave him one of the fiddle music CDs I had brought with me.   

Sunday April 13, 2014

Sunday April 13, 2014
This morning Helvia and Alex picked up, Nora, Jill and I to went to the rainforest. It’s out of San Juan and up a mountain. What an awesome place, it felt like Jurassic park, the huge ferns, large flowers, flowering trees, trees with fruit, birds calling and the lush vegetation. We drove up the mountain and stopped at a waterfall and at a large tower where we had a panoramic view of the whole area.
We ate at Puerto Rican food at a beach-front restaurant and then went to the Seven Seas Beach. The water was warm, and the weather beautiful. The sand was light brown and the grains seemed to be more flat than round for they stuck to our skin and were hard to get off.

Saturday April 12, 2014

Saturday April 12,
This morning Helvia and Alex picked us all up and took us to Old San Juan. It’s the old part where there are two forts and the streets are paved with blue bricks that are about 500 years old.  The hill area where the fort we visited is located is a place where people meet and fly kites for it is a windy spot.  There is a cemetery below it by the ocean, with above ground graves.  We arrived there at about 9- 9:30 and wandered around all afternoon till 4:00. It was a very relaxing afternoon, no deadlines just look and enjoy. Our roommate Jill and her friend met us there and she helped orient us as to where to go. The whole peninsula is surrounded by a huge stone fortification. By the time we returned home we had a lot more colour on our skin and had done a lot of walking. Helvia and Alex are so good to us, we are in their debt.  Tomorrow is the rain forest and beach, can’t wait!

Friday 11 April 2014

Thursday April 10th, 2014

Thursday April 10th
This morning we walked to school, appears some of the dogs are getting to know us so they don’t bark as much. The house is a minimum 10 minute walk to school.  In the morning Nora taught a class and I was working on my last Brazil report.
The school is an amazing place, the students feel so loved and they are always hugging their teachers, it is such a relaxed atmosphere. Not what you would expect for a community of ‘at risk’ students. Nora has no discipline problems what so ever for they are excited to learn. Each child has a individualized learning program where they learn about what interests them.  They also are on a personalized time line to complete their courses. The layout does not resemble any high school I have ever encountered. It is on the second floor and there are two regular sized hallways  which branch out from the entrance way where the secretary’s office is located. Something like a tuning fork with a short stem.  The classrooms are the size of regular office rooms, not large classrooms. This location is just one part, there is the Esquileta the elementary school, and another school which we will visit Monday. Then there is the main office building. The whole organization employs from 60-70 people and has so many partnerships and alliances I can’t begin to understand it all.  When I came here I thought it was just one school but it is so, so much more. They are enriching the lives of so many people.
In the afternoon we went to San Juan, to the main offices and in the evening we went to the national Art Gallery/Museum to an opening of a Smithsonian exhibit that Helvia, Alex, Justo and Anna Iris were invited to. It was awesome, located in/near the Old San Juan fort. The reception was on one of the balconies that surround the courtyard of the four-story building. The balconies were all lit with blue and (maybe orange) lights.  It was a fancy reception with a band, wine and finger food. Later we all went to supper at a restaurant nearby. A wonderful evening we were honored to be included in.
 Pictures coming soon to go with this post. Connection too slow to send a lot of pictures.

Wednesday April 9th, 2014

Wednesday April 9th.
Nora taught all day in Caguas and I went to San Juan, to the elementary school. Nuestra Escuelita I talked with the director and told her about the Irlen method www.irlen.com . I also observed classes and had a great lunch of rice, beans, vegetables and meatballs.  Their way of teaching is very similar to ours.
In the evening after school, not too late, we walked to the square looking for a grocery store. We found one but they didn’t have butter….all margarine. On our walk we me a group of boys flying down the street on their bikes, one being the snake fellow with the snake still wrapped around his neck.
Walking down the street is an experience. First there are the dogs, I think the average is 2 dogs each house and every time you walk by they all bark like they want to eat you.  No need for burglar alarms here. Next are the lizards, they are everywhere, up the walls and in the bushes, none in the house yet. At night we hear the tree frog peepers and all day are the birds. The trees are either loaded with flowers or fruit and there are bananas in the back yard next to us. Last night when we came home there was a bag with oranges and the most delicious grapefruit I have ever tasted, hanging on our gate. We are going to get help writing a thank you note to our neighbor for them. 
Pictures coming here when connection is stronger.

Tuesday April 8, 2014

Tuesday, April 8, 2014
We went to bed about 8:00PM and Nora woke me at 9:00 PM thinking it was already morning and we were late for school.  She was VERY tired.
Helvia and Alexander picked up and drove us to school. It’s a high school and what a different atmosphere than the school framework I’m used to.  We were greeted at the door by a group of students, one being wearing a boa (snake) around his neck. I think we earned some credibility when we both petted the snake and didn’t freak out when we saw it. Glad Nora like snakes, since the snake attended her classes, either around his neck or in his backpack.
First if all it is such a relaxed loving place, hugs all the way around. The kids love it there and want to learn. They love the teachers and the teachers care so much about them.  The school doesn’t have many rules, its very relaxed and they are treated like responsible adults. Nora taught a class all day, no discipline problems, in fact I don’t think discipline is am issue.  They are also grouped by interest, not age or grade. I spent the day with Helvia, Justo’s right hand person who organizes everything. We went to the park they reclaimed and which id a beautiful place. Mott built them a playground  in a day, something like they did in Mabou. I visited a school nearby they partner with and saw their garden and saw the beginnings of a garden in a reclaimed vacant lot.  That would be a fun class. The students graduate with a grade twelve and cover all the standards and write the standardized examinations just like any other school. In the evening we took a walk to the town square. 
Pictures coming when I get to a faster internet connection.

Thursday 10 April 2014

Toronto to Puerto Rico

I arrived in Toronto after an uneventful flight, 8:00 PM-5:45 AM. Taking time zones into account it was a 10.5 hour flight.  I got a taxi to Nora’s and spent a sleep deprived day with a sleep deprived Nora. Monday morning we were up at 2:30AM and the taxi picked us up at 3:30. We left Toronto at separate times but met up in Newark. We arrived in San Juan (doubly sleep deprived) and we met by Helvia from the Nuestra Escula who took us to the grocery store for food and then to the Nuestra Escula guest-house. 
Its in the old part of Caugus and we can hear the birds, tree frogs, roosters and the dogs….so many dogs. We went to bed at 8 (dead tired) to the sound of many dogs barking including two next door and Latin music playing a few houses over. Tomorrow our day starts at 8:30. Then the work begins.

Wednesday, April 8, 2014
We went to bed about 8:00PM and Nora woke me at 9:00 PM thinking it was already morning and we were late for school.  She was VERY tired.
Helvia and Alexander picked up and drove us to school. It’s a high school and what a different atmosphere than the school framework I’m used to. First if all it is such a relaxed loving place, hugs all the way around. The kids love it there and want to learn. They love the teachers and the teachers care so much about them.  The school doesn’t have many rules, its very relaxed and they are treated like responsible adults. Nora taught a class all day, no discipline problems, in fact I don’t think discipline is am issue. 
They are also grouped by interest, not age or grade.

Pictures to come 

Vitoria, Brazil

My week in Vitoria has been a great experience. Another super Maple Bear school with so many great teachers who love children. I’ve been working with teachers, with the owner and coordinator on an event that will happen at a large theater on Saturday. It’s a bit like Christmas Concert and Primary Graduation with lot of details and many of people working together to pull it off.  Had dinner with the company president and his wife the publicity director and the school owner last night. She and I have the Cape Breton connection in common and they are very interesting people.
My hotel is right on the beach, but only was able to take one walk on the beach, I go to school about 8 and come home just before dark. This morning we had a meeting with teachers at 7:00-8:00. I’m enjoying the experience very much, great people to work with.  I recommend Brazilians!
Today was the big day, all the parents came to the theater and we had Pooh story reading, the Movie Pooh, the coordinator spoke as well as Rodney Briggs the President of Maple Bear. Sorry to say good-bye to so many wonderful people.
Edinea took me to the airport and made sure I was all set. Great flight to Sao Paulo but forgetting that I was not on a connecting flight to Toronto, I breezed right by the baggage claim and went to the huge boarding line. Well it hit me part way through the line-up, ……maybe I was supposed to pick up my suitcase! After a lot of explaining and up and down the airport I want to the baggage claim and someone found my missing bag. Then I had to start the line all over again after I had checked the bag. I made it through all the line-ups and had time to spare at the boarding gate. 
Flowers next door to school

Maple Bear Vitoria

Going across the bridge

Francis transporting Eeyore

More from the bridge


Tuesday 1 April 2014

In Vitoria

March 30
 As the usual way with rain in Brazil, the rain last night and today is torrential. I was picked up at the hotel and got to the airport good and early. The problems started when we arrived…flight delayed due to fog, (sounds like Sydney). Then when I went to check in, (I was so glad to be with Andrea who speaks Portuguese), there was a mix up in my flights. I was asked to stay a bit longer at the next school so my flight to Sao Paulo needed to be changed. The wrong flight was changed so I had no flight out of Londrina but two flights from Vitoria to Sao Paulo. After a lot of explaining and talking I had a ticket out of Londrina. When I was in the airport at Londrina and at Sao Paulo I couldn’t get on line to let anyone know when I would arrive so when I did arrive no one knew I was there. Got on line in Vitoria and accessed all the emails and was able to call/Skype and let them know where I was. All went well had a ride to the hotel and supper in no time at all….and as usual; more wonderful people. 
March 31: 
I’m at a hotel with the beach on the other side of the road. Love it and breakfast is just as great as the other 3 places. When a hotel in Canada and the US say breakfast with the room, they mean, bagels, toast, doughnuts and powdered eggs. These breakfasts are a feast; eggs, meat, lots of tropical fruit, cheese filled rolls, many other rolls,  but then there is cake, cheese cakes, croissants and all kinds of sweets…..and I do stay away from the sweets.
The school is just starting up but I’m sure will be gaining more students soon. Maple Bear is a well run franchise and the curriculum is consistent and the same all over the world. It’s a very good program, plus the children learn English through immersion.

Behind Hotel

At airport

Londrina hotel

This morning's view from my window in Vitoria

My  Vitoria hotel....from the water line

Hotel beach

This garbage can isn't going anywhere....good solid cement!

Gas prices-Top line is gasoline as we know it. One Canadian $ is = to 2.06  Brazilian Real. Do the math
3.00 Reals per liter ....so  near $1.50 a liter

Sweet side of breakfast

The better side of breakfast

View from school

My walking beach