Saturday 15 June 2013


Wednesday evening a group of us went to the ‘What’s my Line’ comedy show at he Crowne Royale Hotel. Funny fellows but all strong British accents and we missed out on some of the lines because of that.
Thursday night (Friday at home) we went to a party before we went to the pub to listen to Simon and Katie’s band play their last gig for the summer. There were 4 Canadians at the party. Makes us feel good to see each other. Very nice people for sure. After the party we moved on to the pub to listen to the last show. No drinks for me, for sure, hard enough to drive in Muscat dead sober.  Friday morning Nora and I went to the Marina where we met the boat we booked to take us out to see the dolphins. They were amazing, twisting, jumping and following the boat. As we drove to the site we spotted a yellow sea snake in the water, a good reason not to swim in the open ocean. On the way back we were able to snorkel in one of the bays, Nora saw a large ray. Thinking of Steve Irwin she didn’t stay close to observe it. In the afternoon went back to the souq and did a lot more exploring. The place is a warren of passageways and shops. So many vendors trying to get your attention and keep it. Every purchase is a test of wits, us trying to guess the lowest price they will agree to and them trying to bluff as to how high they can sell it to us. Usually we can get 20% to 25% off an initial price.