Monday 25 February 2008

Thursday Feb 21, 2008

After school Thursday about 12 of us too the Metro to the downtown area, that is where the Egyptian Museum is found. We had dinner outside. It was pretty chilly and we were in the street (closed in), motorcycles going by our table. Peggy Burke would have loved to be there, the cats were begging for food and putting their paws on our legs or crying loudly for food. The food was good but slow coming. The buildings in that area are Victorian and very interesting. We took the metro home and took a taxi from the metro stop. The metro is an above ground train which costs a pound each way. A pound equals about 18 cents. The trains are a circus, there is always some vendor trying to sell small packages of Klenex, this time there was a lady with a large garbage bag of stuff to sell, There is a ladies car which is good to take if the place is crowded. Sometimes the men can get too friendly in confined quarters. Friday night after being in school all day doing report cards, 8 of us went to dinner at a restaurant called Crave, which is within walking distance. There are so many plces to eat and it is very inexpensive. Every restarant has male waiters, never do you see a waitress. Also the buisness all have a very large staff. Going by a garage selling gas, there are always about 2 people working there for each gas pump. I'll post more pictures soon, my favourite subjects are over crowded vehicles and donkey carts.