Wednesday 6 February 2008

Sat Feb 2, 2008

Saturday Feb 2; Went for a walk on Road 9, by chance met up with some teachers going to the Cairo Egyptian Museum (where many kings including King Tut, many mummy’s and a huge mind boggling array of Egyptian artifacts are on display. Will have to go again, too much too fast. We took the metro, one pound either way, that is about .40 both ways. Every morning between 6:30 and 7:00 there is a small grey and black bird which comes to peck at my window and fly at the glass and I think tries to get in. Maybe the previous tenant let it in. I love in nice peaceful area not near a mosque. Many of the teachers have to put up with the mosque loudspeakers broadcasting the early morning and late evening chants as well as more during the day. One teacher complained and the people at the mosque did change the direction of the loudspeakers. There is probably one every two blocks. It is 5:30 PM and I can hear them in the distance, echoing.