Sunday 17 February 2008

February 13, 2008

It is the day before Valentines day. Egyptian chocolate is very, very good, or perhaps the kids just gave me expensive chocolate. This afternoon I planned an afternoon of games for the Grade 1, 2, 3, and 4 classes, it was a lot of fun. This evening we took a cab and went to see the ‘Whirling Dervishes’ or ‘Sufi’ dancing. It was a 1 ½ hour performance. The performers (men) were dresses in especially full white galabaea (my spelling) (long tunics the men wear) and danced accompanied to Egyptian pipe music along with drums and string instruments. They music reminds me of the bag pipes, has the same squeal. The main dancers had very elaborate appliquéd skirts which they twirled as they dances. One fellow twirled for about 30 minutes or more. Three twirls in a square set and I’m ready to fall down. On the way through the city to find the theatre we passed through the furniture district. Blocks and blocks of massive armoires, over stuffed couches and chairs and ornate fabric covering them.