Saturday 2 June 2012

June 2, 2012

On Friday we took a drive to Barka and took a drive up the Rustag which is situated on a loop road. The terrain was scrubby bushes and rocky land. As we drove in the traffic we were meeting were flashing their lights at us, I assumed it was police as it is at home, so I slowed down. We soon saw the reason for the flashed messages, a group of camels were sauntering across the road. Linda was so excited her first wild camel shot since Egypt.  We continued on to an impressive old fort in Nakhal. We were two of five visitors hardy visitors at the fort, the only ones braving the sauna like conditions. We passed other forts but we preferred to stay in the car and be cool. We returned home in time to go back to the beach for more swimming in the most wonderfully warm water. We stayed late again and ordered pizza and enjoyed it sitting in the sand. 
Inside the fort

Linda and I

Linda at fort


Fort from a distance

Sheep or goats??  They must be goats, same eating preferences.


Same all over the world, people love jumping in the water.

The boys in red on the construction site on the dune by our apartment.