Saturday 16 June 2012

June 14, 2012

Last day of school with children was yesterday, Wednesday. Teachers and students were overjoyed! It is getting so hot, but the boys still play football (soccer). Yesterday I watched them play for about 1 ½ hours and it was exactly like sitting in the sauna at home. Very hot and humid, dripping sweat and drinking lots of water.
Last night another dinner of farewell, at last assembly the principal announced the leaving teachers, I counted 23 and I sometimes more as the summer progresses. It is sad to see such a wonderful group of people scatter. I’m so very happy to have had the chance to work with them, they enriched my life.
A few days ago we arrived home to see this huge, candy apple red classic car parked out front. It has German lettering on it and looks like a car that would be in a war movie. It has a Florida sticker on it, must have come here by container and it is attracting a lot of attention.
Linda leaves the 20th for her graduation in Vancouver, mechatronics/robotics. Wish I could be there to celebrate , it is quite an achievement.  I ordered my Vesey’s seeds, so I will be able to plant my mini garden when I get home.  Linda and I spent 2 hours in the Souq yesterday. It is a warren of little passageways, so much bigger than I thought. Will be going back several times before I go home.