Saturday 24 May 2008

Walking Downtown

This little old fellow was begging on the street. I gave him 10LE and he was happy and posed for a picture. This afternoon I planned an excursion to Mohamed Ali Street. The pictures I saw of it showed a nice spacious street with a non threatening atmosphere. It is the street where they sell musical instruments and music. I wanted to buy some CDs of traditional Egyptian music. Took the Metro Train to the downtown stop and walked the route that would take me to Mohamed Ali street. I passed a large Palace Museum and was able to locate the route to the street I was looking for. Up till now my route was Western with many western people. When I start getting near “Egyptian” areas I switch to a cab. The cab took me to Mohamed Ali street but it was not a place I felt comfortable. The street was very narrow and very crowded with Arabic people, so I had him drive down it, but take me back to where I felt comfortable on Talat Harb Street. So much for the music, I’ll have to get an escort or look elsewhere. Very hot again today, 35C. I wanted to wear pants with lots of pockets but they were just out of the washer. I grabbed them and put them on anyway, In about 10 min or less they were dry. Hot dry, weather! And yes Peggy and Alice I did see the same scammers trying to persuade a couple to visit their shops. I was standing behind the scammer as he spoke to them, and I was shaking my head and pointing to him. They said they had been enticed into the Essence shop but didn’t buy. FYI: There are always scammers lurking near the Egyptian Museum, who make a living luring unsuspecting tourists to shops where the scammers get a commission of the sales on shoddy merchandise passed off as genuine, (gold, perfume, papyrus etc). They all pose as helpful friendly Egyptians who pose as teachers or other (supposedly) trustworthy people, perhaps on the way to pray. They intercept tourists, ask where they are going and say oh that place is temporarily closed but…you can go to this government shop while you wait…