Thursday 15 May 2008


Nora left Cairo at 8:35 the 12 and is safe home with all her baggage. She was loaded down and despite being over weight by a lot she didn’t have to toss out any of the rocks I sent home with her. My clothing choices are pretty limited for I sent home as much as possible (and more) with Nora, Linda, Alice and Peggy. The trees here are beautiful and covered with flowers of all colours. The hollyhocks are almost at the end of their blossoms. I’m in negotiations with the travel agency to get a good ticket home. The school booked me for the 20 of June and didn’t change it, despite my repeated reminders, now the only way out for me on the 26 is with a 15…..yes……. 15 hour layover in Frankfurt. It wouldn’t be so bad if it were Paris or London or some other city where I haven’t been before. The other choice he is trying to book for me is 4 hours in Frankfurt and I’m 13 on the list for that option. Tomorrow I’m going to a student’s birthday party at a villa. This is my chance to see what a villa is like on the inside. I may be just an English bump on an Arabic log there but I think it will be interesting. The children are getting so restless, during the hot months people stay up late and sleep in. Well my students are staying up late and having to still get up early, so they are not very focused on school work. Can’t imagine what it will be like in June. Even after being here since January I am still amazed by the lack of safety issues. A manhole cover missing on a busy street is marked by a rock, 3-4 foot deep holes are in unlit side walks, police barricades appear randomly, without warning and squeeze 3 lanes of traffic into 1, donkey carts drive in traffic with the crazy Cairo drivers, vehicles stop anywhere on a busy highway to pick up or discharge passengers, no such a thing as wet paint signs, transport truck loaded with cargo carry their unloaders, sleeping on bags of cargo on the back of the open truck. This morning I saw a load of bricks covered by a tarp, but the tarp was held in place with bricks on top of the flapping tarp, with the good chance of bricks flying off into traffic! There was also a very small truck, carrying 3 wheelbarrows, other tools and four men balanced on the wheelbarrows. But that is Egypt!