Wednesday 2 April 2008

Bling Bling

Went for a walk tonight and went in looking at some shops. The jewelry here is something else. The rich ladies are flashing with bling, bling huge rings necklaces and ornamentation. It is hard to find clothing without sparkle, dresses, night clothes, socks, shoes, coats, scarves, pants, skirts, purses and underwear. I bought a silver scabbard beetle necklace and earrings for $18. Found a Bedouin craft store. The Bedouin women do very painstaking embroidery on clothing and other articles. They also do intricate beadwork. I bought a bracelet and necklace to wear on Arabic day at school tomorrow for 12 LE ($2). The store has so many beautiful articles. What ever you want they will deliver for next to nothing. That means there are always bikes and motor scooters on the road. The motor scooters you can hear but the bikes can surprise you coming from behind, almost got run down by an old no speed bike this evening. They are old put together bikes driven by men and boys, without reflectors and they deliver from grocery stores, laundries, restaurants and more. Spring is here, blossoms everywhere, trees and flowers. The birds are also singing so much in the tress near my house. This is sandstorm season, Nothing much here yet, but some of the teachers were held up at Al Fayoum on the weekend until the winds died down. Saturday I cleaned the house and scrubbed and swept the floor. I left the windows open to let in the breeze. Well the breeze came in but so did the dust, had to scrub all over again and dust. This weekend I’m going to Dahab. That is on the Sinai coast of the Red Sea.