Sunday 24 May 2015

One week left.

Last day in Granja Viana was Friday, another group of committed teachers who love their students. Left the Ibis hotel and my new hotel for a day is the Bristol by the Guarulhos Airport in Sao Paulo. Its quite impressive, with it 15 story lobby with balconies encircling the structure ion the inside. In other words the big square building is hollow in the middle. Just a 15-story lobby and when you come out of your room you look over the balcony and for me down 13 stories to the downstairs lobby. The dining room is very nice with very good food. This morning at breakfast they had a chef making tapioca pancakes. They sprinkle the powdered tapioca flour in a buttered cast iron pan and as it cooks it ‘glues’ together the flour. When its cooked they put in fillings and fold it over. It’s very good.
Today at 3:00 I catch a shuttle to the airport. My flight is scheduled to leave at 18:35. Two time zones away, I get to Rio Branco at 23:15 with two stops before I reach my destination with school the next day.
Dining room at the Bristol.

On the road to school

By the highway


From the 13 floor balcony of my 15 story hotel. We are looking down at the lobby from my doorway.

Down in the lobby

Looking way down into the lobby

Making Tapioca

Adding the tapioca flour
Cooking it up.