Finally a good night’s sleep, saved by melatonin. To get
everything together to be ready to leave for school I need to be up by 5:00. Today
was a busy day but not so tough compared to many other schools. Our day
consists of 6 periods of 55 minutes each. We teach 3 of those periods, yes
Canadian teachers, just three! Hard to believe! Things will get a lot better
when I know the boys by name, right now they are still a scramble of dark hair,
dark eyes, white dish dashasa (robe) and
an embroidered kuma (hat). At home its so much easier, we can distinguish by different colored
clothing and hair color.
Staff meeting after school, they take twice as long because everything
has to be translated into Arabic. No gas cylinder yet, guess I’ll manage with
the microwave and kettle. Haven’t been at a restaurant yet. Am interested to
see what they will be like.
Went for a walk on the beach again, a beautiful place. We saw a little turtle
just walking up the beach and some trigger fish washed up.
Part of the schoolSchool again
My classroom is the far right.
View from our classroom
our class
Turtle friend