Thursday 26 February 2015

Wednesday February 25th, 2015, Alto De Pinheiros

Breakfast sweets

Breakfast fruit

Supper at the restaurant down the street

Red roofs are the norm
Saturday evening my flight left Toronto about 1:00 AM in the morning. We arrived in Sao Paulo about 2 the next afternoon. It’s about a 10 hour flight. Luckily the middle seat in my row was empty and that gave me more leg room.  AC flight between Brazil and Canada have a generous baggage allowance, we can take the usual carry one and personal item as well as two 32 kg bags. I loaded my bags to the 32 kg mark and a friend bought the cost of another 32 kg bag. I loaded them with Value Village children’s books and dollar store items to help me with sample lessons.
I’m a big girl now, so I get my own taxi from the airport to the hotel. After arriving at my Pinheiros area L’Opera Hotel, I unpacked my friend and her family took me to the El Dorado Mall which is close by and she helped me get a SIM card for my unlocked iPhone. They also took me for supper. I now can call, but most important I can access the internet. With my ‘Say Hi’ translator app I can converse and make myself understood much easily than before. I can also know where I am and not get lost. This morning when I was on the way to school in a taxi, the driver must have forgotten the number and was going slow looking for the school. I was able to tell him with my phone, “It’s at the top of the hill”.
Sunday I met another friend and we went to her house and then went out for supper at Empanadas Caminito, an Argentinian restaurant. It was a great birthday weekend.
Monday, work started again, but with familiar people. I was at Alto de Pinheiros last year and was glad to see them again. Mainly what I do is observe classes and then talk about the good things I see and what can be improved. I also read Robert Munch stories to the every place I go.
The weather here is very nice, get this, I don’t need a sweater. It poured rain (torrentially as usual) and the thunder banged and shook the place. The kids and teachers didn’t bat an eye. No running around with Holy Water.
The children eat at the cafeteria, we could take a lesson from it. The food is very good made from scratch, with no refined junk….and the kids eat it and like it. Every day there is rice and beans or lentils, a salad, 2 vegetables and meat or fish. Yesterday was a delicious curry chicken and today a baked fish. To drink they had water and juice without sugar.
The school is a former beauty salon and is quite nice. It sure has more electrical outlets than usual.
As I write the Pentecostals across the street are praying and singing up a storm.  I’ll be here till Saturday then I move on to my next hotel- Comfort Nova Paulista and school - Chácara Klabin.