Tuesday 1 July 2008

Home Again

Home at last. It certainly was a comfort to touch Canadian soil again. Although I had a lot of fun and had wonderful experiences It was so good to get back home to all that is familiar and dear to me. I was up at 4:00 AM and left for the airport at 5:00. My flight left at 8:35 AM. Stopover in Heathrow in London and were delayed there for an hour. Arrived in Montreal, made it through customs and although I was afraid I would miss my connection to Halifax I was OK since my Halifax flight was delayed for an hour. I was able to catch up on a bit of sleep in the airport and on the plane to Halifax. Pat and Bill Danburger picked me up at 12:30. It was so thoughtful of them to wait so they could pick me up on their way home. I was in bed just as the sky was getting bright. Archie arrived home Saturday from Fort McMurray so now we are a family of 3. Our lawn mower was non responsive till Linda finally was able to fix it , but by then the grass was out of control so we had Ranald come with his bush hog. Looks like a bad hair cut now, we will have to do a lot of trimming and raking.